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The Ploughshare Institute for Sustainable Culture

Some of our consultants are instructors at the Ploughshare Institute. The seminars and classes are heavily attended by people from all over the world. Their video courses allow folks to study from the comfort of their own homes and at their own pace. Their Sustain Life Journal is read by many people desiring to learn skills that were almost lost or who want to bring balance to their efforts at sustainability. The Ploughshare Institute has trained over 14,000 students in 125 classes.

If you are interested in learning homesteading skills, traditional hand crafts, agricultural skills, fiber crafts, kitchen skills and much more, then there is no better place than The Ploughshare Institute to study these.

Our goal is to bring these all−but−lost arts, both of life and work, within the reach of people, especially those interested in discovering a fulfillment that only comes in one way−from participating more directly and personally in providing their essential needs in an agrarian culture.

We see, along with millions of other Americans, that the modern world, despite its often tenuous material prosperity, faces many new problems and uncertainties. These include not only the disruption of the fragile balance of human life situated in the natural world but also the loss of the type of communities and families that have historically sustained such balance and integrity.

Though our educational organization for the public has been in operation for around eighteen years, our roots run much deeper. Our teaching facilities have, over the last third of a century, grown out of our personal efforts to build a sustainable life in a voluntary, integrated community setting. The personal rewards of those efforts, along with the interest expressed and requests made by so many others, have led us to launch this institute in order to share our knowledge and experience with any who want to learn.

The areas of study include:

  • Agricultural Skills
  • Fiber Crafts
  • Kitchen Skills
  • Traditional Crafts
  • The School of Woodworking

Go to The Ploughshare Institute for Sustainable Culture for more information.




Pat Chesney
Sustainable Living Consultant

State of Texas Master Plumber holding a WSPS endorsement

Rainwater Harvesting, Water Purification, Plumbing, Aquaponics, Energy Conservation, Energy Generation
Solar Water Heating, Solar PV and More



Master Plumber-State of Texas-License #40812 with the
Water Supply Protection Specialist (WSPS) Endorsement

Certified ARCSA AP 2013
Member of ARCSA
The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association since 2013

Certified HERS Rater 2007-2013

Regulated by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners         929 East 41st St., Austin, TX 7875       (800) 845-6584       tsbpe.texas.gov